Home vsits

Important: Essential home visits

Home visits are reserved for patients who are permanently housebound, severely disabled or reaching the end of their life. Except for cases where someone is unable to leave their home, it is better for them to be seen at the surgery. The doctor has access to the patients full medical record and a full range of medical equipment.

How to book a home visit

If you need a home visit, we ask that you contact us as early as possible in the morning, preferably before 09.30am.

You may be asked to provide the reception team with some details regarding why you require a home visit. Please do not be offended by this. This information is needed so that the doctor can assess the urgency and prioritise visits.

When to ask for a home visit

Our clinicians will triage home visits, and book either with a surgery clinician or the Acute Visiting Service, but these are only for patients who are truly housebound, i.e. patients whose condition prevents them from being able to attend surgery.

When not to ask for a home visit

Please do not ask for a home visit unless the patient cannot make it to the surgery.

Most children can be safely brought to the surgery by car.

A number of patients can be seen at the surgery in the time that it takes to visit one patient at home.